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The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) case study was developed by the United States Air Force Center for Systems Engineering (AF CSE) located at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), and is accessible through the following url: http://www.afit.edu/cse/cases.cfm?case=18&a=detail. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a 2.4 meter reflecting telescope deployed in low earth orbit that has the ability to observe objects in the optical, ultraviolet, and near infrared wavelengths.  According to the HST case study, the telescope was planned for retirement in 2010, but additional work on the orbiting unit in 2009 (after the case study was written and released) has extended the life until approximately 2014.  There is some question as to how the HST will be retired and the final plans are still to be determined.
'''''Lead Authors:''''' ''Heidi Davidz, Alice Squires, Richard Freeman'', '''''Contributing Authors:''''' ''Brian White''
This article describes a remarkable engineering feat with vast scientific benefits and implications. The topic may be of particular interest to those facing formidable {{Term|Systems Engineering (glossary)}} challenges where one might thrive on a thoughtful blend of humility and optimism.
For additional information, refer to the links provided in Section V: Lessons Learned below.
'''Application domains''': Aerospace, Space, Communications, Exploration, Innovative Technology, System of Systems
''The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) {{Term|Case Study (glossary)|Case Study}}'' was developed by the United States Air Force Center for Systems Engineering (AF CSE) located at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The AF CSE was tasked to develop case studies focusing on the application of {{Term|Systems Engineering (glossary)}} {{Term|principle (glossary)}} s within various aerospace {{Term|program (glossary)}} s. The HST study (Mattice 2005) is one of four initial case studies selected by AFIT for development in support of systems engineering graduate school instruction. The cases are structured using the Friedman-Sage {{Term|framework (glossary)}} (Friedman and Sage 2003; Friedman and Sage 2004, 84-96), which decomposes a case into contractor, government, and shared responsibilities in the following nine concept areas:
#Requirements Definition and Management
#Systems Architecture Development
#System/Subsystem Design
#Risk Management
#Systems Integration and Interfaces
#Life Cycle Support
#Deployment and Post Deployment
#System and Program Management
'''Application area''': Product
The case study provides a useful example of the rising {{Term|cost (glossary)}} of defect correction through successive life cycle phases, demonstrating how an error (in test fixture specification) that could have been fixed for $1,000 at the {{Term|design (glossary)}} stage, or detected and fixed with a $10 million investment in an end-to-end test of the telescope on the ground, ended up costing $1 billion to fix when the system was in {{Term|service (glossary)}}.
==Domain Background==
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is an orbiting astronomical observatory operating in the spectrum from the near-infrared into the ultraviolet. Launched in 1990 and still operational, HST carries and has carried a wide variety of instruments producing imaging, spectrographic, astrometric, and photometric data through both pointed and parallel observing programs. Over 100,000 observations of more than 20,000 targets have been produced for retrieval. The telescope is well known as a marvel of science. This case study hopes to represent the facet of the HST that is a marvel of systems engineering, which, in fact, generated the scientific research and observation capabilities now appreciated worldwide.
The HST case study includes a brief discussion of the space industry, the progression of telescope development and capability, and other applicable areas.
Viewed with the clarity that only time and hindsight provide, the HST program certainly represents one of the most successful modern human endeavors on any scale of international scope and {{Term|complex (glossary)}} ity. As a systems engineering project the HST had to respond to {{Term|requirement (glossary)}} s from the diverse international scientific community at a time when NASA was implementing a different research-development-acquisition philosophy and {{Term|process (glossary)}} than what was predominately being used in most major government acquisition programs. As with most other large programs, powerful influences outside the systems engineering process itself became issues that HST {{Term|Systems Engineer (glossary)}} s in effect had to acknowledge as integral to their overall system/program/engineering management responsibility.
==Analysis of Case Study==  
The story of how this remarkable capability came to be is a story of the complicated interactions of a systems engineering process, which we like to believe we understand, with equally demanding political, budgetary, and institutional processes we often fail to understand or comprehend at the time they occur. In the final analysis, these processes are inseparable and integral to attaining program success. The challenge to modern systems engineers is to fully embrace the discipline of the systems engineering process while at the same time learning how to continue to practice it in spite of inevitable external influences and instabilities that often cannot be anticipated.
The United States Air Force Center for Systems Engineering (AF CSE), established in 2002 at AFIT, was tasked to develop case studies focusing on the application of systems engineering principles within various aerospace programs. (Mattice 2005) The Hubble Space telescope is one of four initial case studies selected by AFIT for development in support of systems engineering graduate school instruction. Each of the case studies employs the Friedman-Sage framework that is comprised of the following nine concept domains:
Major differences revolved around the nature and needs of a very different HST “customer” or user from most DoD systems. The HST had to respond to requirements from the diverse international scientific community instead of from DoD’s combatant commands. In addition, at the time, NASA implemented a different research-development-acquisition philosophy and process than the DoD Acquisition Management Framework described in the DoD 5000 series acquisition reforms. As with most other large programs, powerful influences outside the systems engineering process itself became issues that HST systems engineers in effect had to acknowledge as integral to their overall system/program/engineering management responsibility.
#Requirements Definition and Management
#Systems Architecting and Conceptual Design
#System and Subsystem Detailed Design and Implementation
#Systems and Interface Integration
#Validation and Verification
#Deployment and Post Deployment
#Life Cycle Support
#Risk Assessment and Management
#System and Program Management
The HST case study also populates a matrix using the Friedman-Sage (Friedman and Sage 2004) nine concept domain framework in the context of the three areas of responsibility listed below:
#SE Contractor Responsibility
#Shared Responsibility
#Government Responsibility
The Friedman-Sage framework is used in the HST case study in several areas including in the discussion of [[Risk Management|Risk]] and [[Systems Engineering Management]] in relation to Learning Principle 5 (see Learning Principles, below), and in the Summary of the case study.
==Systems Engineering Practices==
==Case Study Description==
During the critical systems engineering phase for the HST program (1970s concept studies thru 1990 launch) there appears to have been no NASA systems engineering master process. Rather, field center processes were operative and possibly even in competition, as centers (especially Marshall and Goddard for HST) were in keen competition for lead management roles and responsibilities. We will see the systems engineering and program management impacts of this competition as it played out for HST, with the science mission objectives and instrumentation payloads being the motivation for Goddard vs. the vehicle/payload access to space motivation of Marshall. In the final analysis, the roles of the major contractors in engineering the system with uneven NASA participation over the system life cycle had a telling effect.
===Learning Principles===
The HST case study derived five Learning Principles (LPs) that address the more broadly applicable areas of systems engineering knowledge that are addressed by the case study. These five LPs inform the areas of the SEBoK that are most strongly related to the case study.  These five areas are:
*[[Mission Analysis and Stakeholders Requirements|Stakeholder Requirements Definition]] (LP1),
*[[Planning]] (Pre-Program Trade Studies) (LP2),
*[[System Integration]] (LP3),
*[[Life Cycle Models|Life Cycle Model]] Management (LP4), and
*[[Risk Management]] (LP5).  
In addition, the HST case study provides a comprehensive perspective on the systems engineering [[Life Cycle (glossary)]], taking the reader through a historical context that begins decades before the HST program was officially started, to just beyond the first four HST servicing missions that took place in December 1993, February 1997, December 1999 and March 2002. The HST case study is related to the SEBoK as described in the following sections.
==Lessons Learned==
===Life Cycle Models===
Five learning principles (LPs) were derived that address the more broadly applicable areas of systems engineering knowledge. These five LPs inform the areas of the SEBoK that are most strongly related to the case study. The five areas are:
The HST case study takes the reader through the [[Life Cycle Models|life cycle]] of the product development from system concept through to deployment, sustainment and the current operational state of the system.  Sections of the case study cover the historical context as well as the procurement and development and subsequent contract award. A timeline is included that begins in 1962 and ends the year of the first service mission, 1993. The case study does not provide much information on retirement, which is understandable since the system has not yet been retired.  '''The recommendation is to update the case study to reflect the latest events, such as the failure of the primary service module and the 2009 service mission, and to discuss the current operational state of the HST and the impact of the retirement of the Shuttle program on the future sustainment of the system.'''
*stakeholder requirements definition (LP1);
*planning (pre-program trade studies) (LP2);
*system integration (LP3);
*life cycle model management (LP4); and
*risk management (LP5).
The case study also includes an analysis that answers the question: “Was the HST, as a total program, a true systems engineering success and what lessons were learned?” (p. 43) The mixed set of responses are provided by going through specific questions around the concept domains provided in the Friedman-Sage framework.
A synopsis of the HST Learning Principles (LPs) are as follows:
Learning Principle 4 of the HST case study states that, "Life Cycle Support planning and execution must be integral from day one, including concept and design phases." (p. vii, 7, 33-37) The primary example of this was the ability to replace the faulty mirror, a completely unanticipated error in the system design, early in the system operational life cycle, in order to bring the telescope to full operation.  A second example of this is the service module design – with a primary and a backup – and the redefining of the latest 2009 service mission where the non-functional primary service module was replaced, extending the life of the system even further. The areas of the case study that address the Friedman-Sage framework in the concept domain of Life Cycle Support fit under this topic.
'''Stakeholder Requirements Definition'''
LP1: Early and full participation by the customer/user throughout the program is essential to success. In the early stages of the HST program, the mechanism for involving the customer was not well defined. The user community was initially polarized and not effectively engaged in program definition and advocacy. This eventually changed for the better, albeit driven heavily by external political and related national program initiatives. Ultimately, institutionalization of the user’s process for involvement ensured powerful representation and a fundamental stake and role in both establishing and managing program requirements. Over time, the effectiveness of “The Institute” led to equally effective user involvement in the deployment and on-orbit operations of the system as well.
===Stakeholder Requirements Definition===
LP 2: The use of Pre-Program Trade Studies (e.g. “Phased Studies” or “Phased Project Planning”) to broadly explore technical concepts and alternatives is essential and provides for a healthy variety of inputs from a variety of contractors and government (NASA) centers. These activities cover a range of feasibility, conceptual, alternative and preliminary design trades, with cost initially a minor (later a major) factor. In the case of HST, several NASA Headquarters and Center organizations funded these studies and sponsored technical workshops for HST concepts. This approach can promote healthy or unhealthy competition, especially when roles and responsibilities within and between the participating management centers have not yet been decided and competing external organizations use these studies to further both technical and political agendas. NASA Center roles and missions can also be at stake depending on political and or budgetary realities. The systems engineering challenge at this stage is to “keep it technical, stupid!”
Learning Principle 1 of the HST case study states, “Early and full participation by the customer/user throughout the program is essential to success.” (p. vi, 6, 20-21) The lesson learned related to the importance of [[Mission Analysis and Stakeholders Requirements|stakeholder involvement]] on the HST project was primarily caused by failure to follow this systems engineering principle early on in the system development stage and the consequences of that oversight to the overall development and successful deployment of the system.
'''Systems Integration'''
LP 3: A high degree of systems integration to assemble, test, deploy, and operate the system is essential to success and must be identified as a fundamental program resource need as part of the program baseline. For HST, the early wedding of the program to the Shuttle, prior NASA and NASA contractor experience with similarly complex programs, such as Apollo, and the early requirement for manned, on-orbit servicing made it hard not to recognize this was a big systems engineering integration challenge. Nonetheless, collaboration between government engineers, contractor engineers, as well as customers, must be well defined and exercised early on to overcome inevitable integration challenges and unforeseen events.
===Systems Integration===
'''Life Cycle Models'''
LP 4: Life Cycle Support planning and execution must be integral from day one, including concept and design phases. The results will speak for themselves. Programs structured with real life cycle performance as a design driver will be capable of performing in-service better, and will be capable of dealing with unforeseen events (even usage in unanticipated missions). HST probably represents a benchmark for building in system sustainment (reliability, maintainability, provision for technology upgrade, built-in redundancy, etc.), while providing for human execution of functions (planned and unplanned) critical to servicing missions. With four successful service missions complete, including one initially not planned (the primary mirror repair), the benefits of design-for-sustainment, or life cycle support, throughout all phases of the program become quite evident. Without this design approach, it is unlikely that the unanticipated, unplanned mirror repair could even have been attempted, let alone been totally successful.
Learning Principle 3 of the HST case study states, “A high degree of systems integration to assemble, test, deploy, and operate the system is essential to success and must be identified as a fundamental program resource need as part of the program baseline.” (p. vi, 7, 23-33)  The integration challenges of the HST were present throughout the program development. Also the areas of the case study that address the Friedman-Sage framework in the concept domain of [[System Integration|Systems and Interface Integration]] fit under this topic.
'''Risk Management'''
LP 5: For complex programs, the number of stakeholders (government and contractor) demands that the program be structured to cope with high risk factors in many management and technical areas simultaneously. The HST program relied heavily on the contractors (especially Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (LMSC) and Perkin-Elmer (P-E)), each of which “owned” very significant and unique program risk areas. In the critical area of optical systems, NASA depended on LMSC as the overall integrator to manage risk in an area where P-E was clearly the technical expert. Accordingly, NASA relied on LMSC and LMSC relied on P-E with insufficient checks, oversight, and independence of the quality assurance function throughout. While most other risk areas were no doubt managed effectively, lapses here led directly to the HST’s going to orbit with the primary mirror defect undetected, in spite of substantial evidence that could have been used to prevent this.
Learning Principle 2 of the HST case study states, “The use of Pre-Program Trade Studies [“Phased Studies or “Phased Project Planning” in NASA parlance at the time] to broadly explore technical concepts and alternatives is essential and provides for a healthy variety of inputs from a variety of contractors and government (NASA) centers.” (p. vi, 6, 21-23) This learning principle relates strongly to the impact of non-technical factors on the successful funding of the HST and, consequently, implementation of critical trade studies early in the process.  The lesson learned here was to put the technical requirements of the program above the political churn of competing organizations. Also, the areas of the case study that address the Friedman-Sage framework in the concept domain of [[Systems Engineering Management|System and Program Management]] fit under this topic.
===Risk Management===
===Works Cited===
Learning Principle 5 of the HST case study states: “For complex programs, the number of players (government and contractor) demands that the program be structured to cope with high risk factors in many management and technical areas simultaneously.” (p vii, 7, 37-42) The example given in the HST case study to support this LP is the case where Lockheed Martin was held responsible for the risk of the optical systems whereas Perkin-Elmer was the technical expert in optical systems on the program.  This inevitably led to the HST being put into orbit with the primary mirror defect still undetected. Also the areas of the case study that address the Friedman-Sage framework in the concept domain of [[Risk Management|Risk Assessment and Management]] fit under this topic.
Friedman, G.R. and A.P. Sage. 2003. ''Systems Engineering Concepts: Illustration Through Case Studies.'' Accessed September 2011. Available at: http://www.afit.edu/cse/docs/Friedman-Sage%20Framework.pdf.
The short 49-page HST case study is well written and is useful for global SE learning providing a comprehensive perspective on the systems engineering life cycle, and can be used equally effectively for detailed instruction in the areas of [[Stakeholder Requirements|Stakeholder Requirements Definition]], [[Planning|Technical Planning]] (Pre-Program Trade Studies), [[System Integration]], [[Life Cycle Models|Life Cycle Model Management]], and [[Risk Management]].
Friedman, G. and A. Sage. 2004. “Case Studies of Systems Engineering and Management in Systems Acquisition.” ''Systems Engineering.'' 7(1): 84-96.
Mattice, J. “[[Hubble Space Telescope Case Study (reference)|Hubble Space Telescope Case Study]]." Ft. Belvoir, VA: Defense Acquisition University (DAU). Last modified May 2, 2005. Accessed November 27, 2012. Available at https://acc.dau.mil/adl/en-US/37600/file/9105/Hubble%20Space%20Telescope%20SE%20Case%20Study%20-%20JJ%20Mattice.pdf.
*Friedman, G. and A. Sage. 2004.  Case Studies of Systems Engineering and Management in Systems Acquisition. Systems Engineering 7, No. 1: 84-96.
*Mattice, J. 2005.  Hubble Space Telescope Systems Engineering Case Study. United States Air Force Center for Systems Engineering. Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. Available at, <http://www.afit.edu/cse/cases.cfm?case=18&a=detail>.
===Primary References===
===Primary References===
===Additional References===
===Additional References===
====Article Discussion====
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<center>'''SEBoK v. 2.10, released 06 May 2024'''</center>
[[Category: Part 7]][[Category:Topic]][[Category:Case Study]]
[[Category:Part 7]] [[Category:Example]]

Latest revision as of 21:54, 2 May 2024

Lead Authors: Heidi Davidz, Alice Squires, Richard Freeman, Contributing Authors: Brian White

This article describes a remarkable engineering feat with vast scientific benefits and implications. The topic may be of particular interest to those facing formidable systems engineeringsystems engineering challenges where one might thrive on a thoughtful blend of humility and optimism. For additional information, refer to the links provided in Section V: Lessons Learned below.


The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Case StudyCase Study was developed by the United States Air Force Center for Systems Engineering (AF CSE) located at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The AF CSE was tasked to develop case studies focusing on the application of systems engineeringsystems engineering principleprinciple s within various aerospace programprogram s. The HST study (Mattice 2005) is one of four initial case studies selected by AFIT for development in support of systems engineering graduate school instruction. The cases are structured using the Friedman-Sage frameworkframework (Friedman and Sage 2003; Friedman and Sage 2004, 84-96), which decomposes a case into contractor, government, and shared responsibilities in the following nine concept areas: STOPPED HERE

  1. Requirements Definition and Management
  2. Systems Architecture Development
  3. System/Subsystem Design
  4. Verification/Validation
  5. Risk Management
  6. Systems Integration and Interfaces
  7. Life Cycle Support
  8. Deployment and Post Deployment
  9. System and Program Management

The case study provides a useful example of the rising costcost of defect correction through successive life cycle phases, demonstrating how an error (in test fixture specification) that could have been fixed for $1,000 at the designdesign stage, or detected and fixed with a $10 million investment in an end-to-end test of the telescope on the ground, ended up costing $1 billion to fix when the system was in serviceservice.


The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is an orbiting astronomical observatory operating in the spectrum from the near-infrared into the ultraviolet. Launched in 1990 and still operational, HST carries and has carried a wide variety of instruments producing imaging, spectrographic, astrometric, and photometric data through both pointed and parallel observing programs. Over 100,000 observations of more than 20,000 targets have been produced for retrieval. The telescope is well known as a marvel of science. This case study hopes to represent the facet of the HST that is a marvel of systems engineering, which, in fact, generated the scientific research and observation capabilities now appreciated worldwide.

Viewed with the clarity that only time and hindsight provide, the HST program certainly represents one of the most successful modern human endeavors on any scale of international scope and complexcomplex ity. As a systems engineering project the HST had to respond to requirementrequirement s from the diverse international scientific community at a time when NASA was implementing a different research-development-acquisition philosophy and processprocess than what was predominately being used in most major government acquisition programs. As with most other large programs, powerful influences outside the systems engineering process itself became issues that HST systems engineersystems engineer s in effect had to acknowledge as integral to their overall system/program/engineering management responsibility.


The story of how this remarkable capability came to be is a story of the complicated interactions of a systems engineering process, which we like to believe we understand, with equally demanding political, budgetary, and institutional processes we often fail to understand or comprehend at the time they occur. In the final analysis, these processes are inseparable and integral to attaining program success. The challenge to modern systems engineers is to fully embrace the discipline of the systems engineering process while at the same time learning how to continue to practice it in spite of inevitable external influences and instabilities that often cannot be anticipated.

Major differences revolved around the nature and needs of a very different HST “customer” or user from most DoD systems. The HST had to respond to requirements from the diverse international scientific community instead of from DoD’s combatant commands. In addition, at the time, NASA implemented a different research-development-acquisition philosophy and process than the DoD Acquisition Management Framework described in the DoD 5000 series acquisition reforms. As with most other large programs, powerful influences outside the systems engineering process itself became issues that HST systems engineers in effect had to acknowledge as integral to their overall system/program/engineering management responsibility.

Systems Engineering Practices

During the critical systems engineering phase for the HST program (1970s concept studies thru 1990 launch) there appears to have been no NASA systems engineering master process. Rather, field center processes were operative and possibly even in competition, as centers (especially Marshall and Goddard for HST) were in keen competition for lead management roles and responsibilities. We will see the systems engineering and program management impacts of this competition as it played out for HST, with the science mission objectives and instrumentation payloads being the motivation for Goddard vs. the vehicle/payload access to space motivation of Marshall. In the final analysis, the roles of the major contractors in engineering the system with uneven NASA participation over the system life cycle had a telling effect.

Lessons Learned

Five learning principles (LPs) were derived that address the more broadly applicable areas of systems engineering knowledge. These five LPs inform the areas of the SEBoK that are most strongly related to the case study. The five areas are:

  • stakeholder requirements definition (LP1);
  • planning (pre-program trade studies) (LP2);
  • system integration (LP3);
  • life cycle model management (LP4); and
  • risk management (LP5).

A synopsis of the HST Learning Principles (LPs) are as follows:

Stakeholder Requirements Definition LP1: Early and full participation by the customer/user throughout the program is essential to success. In the early stages of the HST program, the mechanism for involving the customer was not well defined. The user community was initially polarized and not effectively engaged in program definition and advocacy. This eventually changed for the better, albeit driven heavily by external political and related national program initiatives. Ultimately, institutionalization of the user’s process for involvement ensured powerful representation and a fundamental stake and role in both establishing and managing program requirements. Over time, the effectiveness of “The Institute” led to equally effective user involvement in the deployment and on-orbit operations of the system as well.

Planning LP 2: The use of Pre-Program Trade Studies (e.g. “Phased Studies” or “Phased Project Planning”) to broadly explore technical concepts and alternatives is essential and provides for a healthy variety of inputs from a variety of contractors and government (NASA) centers. These activities cover a range of feasibility, conceptual, alternative and preliminary design trades, with cost initially a minor (later a major) factor. In the case of HST, several NASA Headquarters and Center organizations funded these studies and sponsored technical workshops for HST concepts. This approach can promote healthy or unhealthy competition, especially when roles and responsibilities within and between the participating management centers have not yet been decided and competing external organizations use these studies to further both technical and political agendas. NASA Center roles and missions can also be at stake depending on political and or budgetary realities. The systems engineering challenge at this stage is to “keep it technical, stupid!”

Systems Integration LP 3: A high degree of systems integration to assemble, test, deploy, and operate the system is essential to success and must be identified as a fundamental program resource need as part of the program baseline. For HST, the early wedding of the program to the Shuttle, prior NASA and NASA contractor experience with similarly complex programs, such as Apollo, and the early requirement for manned, on-orbit servicing made it hard not to recognize this was a big systems engineering integration challenge. Nonetheless, collaboration between government engineers, contractor engineers, as well as customers, must be well defined and exercised early on to overcome inevitable integration challenges and unforeseen events.

Life Cycle Models LP 4: Life Cycle Support planning and execution must be integral from day one, including concept and design phases. The results will speak for themselves. Programs structured with real life cycle performance as a design driver will be capable of performing in-service better, and will be capable of dealing with unforeseen events (even usage in unanticipated missions). HST probably represents a benchmark for building in system sustainment (reliability, maintainability, provision for technology upgrade, built-in redundancy, etc.), while providing for human execution of functions (planned and unplanned) critical to servicing missions. With four successful service missions complete, including one initially not planned (the primary mirror repair), the benefits of design-for-sustainment, or life cycle support, throughout all phases of the program become quite evident. Without this design approach, it is unlikely that the unanticipated, unplanned mirror repair could even have been attempted, let alone been totally successful.

Risk Management LP 5: For complex programs, the number of stakeholders (government and contractor) demands that the program be structured to cope with high risk factors in many management and technical areas simultaneously. The HST program relied heavily on the contractors (especially Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (LMSC) and Perkin-Elmer (P-E)), each of which “owned” very significant and unique program risk areas. In the critical area of optical systems, NASA depended on LMSC as the overall integrator to manage risk in an area where P-E was clearly the technical expert. Accordingly, NASA relied on LMSC and LMSC relied on P-E with insufficient checks, oversight, and independence of the quality assurance function throughout. While most other risk areas were no doubt managed effectively, lapses here led directly to the HST’s going to orbit with the primary mirror defect undetected, in spite of substantial evidence that could have been used to prevent this.


Works Cited

Friedman, G.R. and A.P. Sage. 2003. Systems Engineering Concepts: Illustration Through Case Studies. Accessed September 2011. Available at: http://www.afit.edu/cse/docs/Friedman-Sage%20Framework.pdf.

Friedman, G. and A. Sage. 2004. “Case Studies of Systems Engineering and Management in Systems Acquisition.” Systems Engineering. 7(1): 84-96.

Mattice, J. “Hubble Space Telescope Case Study." Ft. Belvoir, VA: Defense Acquisition University (DAU). Last modified May 2, 2005. Accessed November 27, 2012. Available at https://acc.dau.mil/adl/en-US/37600/file/9105/Hubble%20Space%20Telescope%20SE%20Case%20Study%20-%20JJ%20Mattice.pdf.

Primary References


Additional References


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SEBoK v. 2.10, released 06 May 2024