Generic Life Cycle Model

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Type of Value Added Products/Services

Depending on the type of product or service, or even depending on the environment and purpose for which a product is used, different life cycle processes will be needed. Several examples of the same function – aircraft flight control – are shown below to have different process needs depending on their user-system’s environment and purpose.

  • An aircraft flight control system for a web-based video game operating as a service will need to rely on an off-the-shelf game engine and off-the-shelf web services. It will not have to be safety-critical; noisy, spectacular crashes may be part of the game’s excitement. Thus its preferred process begins with evaluating alternative game engines and web service infrastructures, and continues to use agile methods to rapidly develop, evaluate, and evolve an aircraft flight control capability for a commercially viable system.
  • An aircraft flight control system for a remotely piloted vehicle will need to be more careful about safety. It may use agile methods to evolve the human interface, but will need a more rigorous process for developing the flight controls.
  • An aircraft flight control system for a commercial airliner will have to comply with various standards for developing, verifying, and validating its safe performance, such as the use of safety cases, fault tree analyses, and failure modes and effects analyses. It may be able to rely on reusable components and V&V processes, methods, and tools.
  • An aircraft flight control system for a new class of autonomous agent-based active controls may require extensive experimentation with cooperative autonomous agent collaboration capabilities before being able to proceed into their use for remotely piloted vehicles or commercial aircraft.

The common purpose of all organizations, public or private, for profit or non-profit, is to produce, via enterprise(s), some form of value added. The nature of the added value is either a product or a service, or both. In either case the product or service is produced via provisioning of the elements of the system and the integration of the elements according to the system description into a product or service. Various management and leadership approaches can be required based upon the type and complexity of value-added product and/or service that is produced and the type of enterprise involved in the production. Some examples are as follows (Lawson 2010, 193-217):

  • A manufacturing enterprise, for example one producing nuts, bolts, and lock washer products, sells their products as value added elements to be used by other enterprises who integrate these products into their more encompassing value added system; for example, an aircraft or an automobile.
  • A wholesaling or retailing enterprise provides products that it offers to their customers. Their customers (individuals or enterprises) acquire the products and use them as elements in their systems.
  • A commercial service enterprise such as a bank sells a variety of “products” as services to their customers; for example, current accounts, savings accounts, loans, investment management, and so on. These services add value and are incorporated in customer systems of individuals or enterprises.
  • A governmental service enterprise provides citizens with services that vary widely from health care, highways and roads, pensions, police, defense, and so on. Where appropriate, these services become infrastructure elements that are utilized in larger encompassing systems that are of interest to individuals and/or enterprises.
  • A consulting enterprise via its services adds value in the form of knowledge and know-how for its customers. For such an enterprise, the set of services “produced” may remain stable for some customers but can also change rapidly as agreements with new customers are established and as customer agreements are terminated.
  • An IT service enterprise provides data processing and information access capability by operating computers, communication equipment, and software systems.
  • A software development enterprise provides software products that meet stakeholder requirements (needs) thus providing services to product users. Both the developed software and the operation service become part of the set of infrastructure systems of the user enterprise.

Within these examples, there are systems that remain stable over reasonably long periods of time, but there are many that change rapidly. The diversity of the process needs in these examples, even for a single application function, makes it very clear that there is no one-size-fits-all process for the systems life cycle. Thus, the approach to management and leadership must take into account the system's type, environment, and purpose involved as well as its longevity and need for rapid adaptation to unforeseen changes in competition, technology, leadership, and mission priorities. In turn, the management and leadership directions impact the type and number of life cycle models that are deployed as well as the processes that are made available for utilization within a life cycle.

Systems Engineering Responsibility

The role of the systems engineer encompasses the entire life cycle for the System-of-Interest. Systems engineers orchestrate the development of a solution from requirements determination through operations, and ultimately system retirement, by assuring that domain experts are properly involved, that all advantageous opportunities are pursued, and that all significant risks are identified and, where possible, mitigated. The systems engineer works closely with the project manager in tailoring the generic life cycle, including key decision gates, to meet the needs of their specific project.

The purpose in defining the system life cycle is to establish a framework for meeting the stakeholders’ needs in an orderly and efficient manner. This is usually done by defining life-cycle stages and using decision gates to determine readiness to move from one stage to the next. Skipping stages and eliminating “time consuming” decision gates can greatly increase the programmatic risks (cost, schedule, and value) and may adversely affect the technical development as well by reducing the level of the SE effort.

Systems engineering tasks are usually concentrated at the beginning of the life cycle, but both commercial and government organizations recognize the need for SE throughout the system’s life span, often to modify or change a system product or service after it enters production or is placed in operation. Consequently, SE is an important part of all life cycle stages. During Operations and Support (O&S) stages, for example, SE executes performance analysis, interface monitoring, failure analysis, logistics analysis, tracking, management, etc. that is essential to ongoing support of the system.

All project managers must ensure that the business aspect (cost, schedule, and value) and the technical aspect of the project cycle stay synchronized. For most programs the technical aspect strongly influences the project solution, and it is the systems engineers’ responsibility to ensure that the technical solutions considered are consistent with the cost and schedule objectives. This may require performing cost-effectiveness tradeoff analyses with the users, manufacturers, and customers to revise objectives to fit within the business bounds. These issues also drive the need for decision gates appropriately spaced throughout the project cycle. Decision gates such as the User Requirements Review, Concept Selection Review, and System Requirements Review are early gates that ensure that the project is on the right path and will produce an integrated product (hardware, software, human system interaction, services) that meets the user and customer needs. To ensure that the project is on the right path frequent in-process validation must be performed between the developers and the end users. In-process validation asks the question: “Do we have evidence that what we are planning or creating will cost-effectively satisfy the users’ needs?” In-process validation begins at the very outset of the project during user needs discovery and continues through daily activities as well as at formal decision gate reviews to final product or solution delivery, through operations to system closeout and disposal.


Please make sure all references are listed alphabetically and are formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed). See the BKCASE Reference Guidance for additional information.


Lawson, Harold. 2010. A Journey Through the Systems Landscape, College Publications, Kings College, UK.

Primary References

Lawson, Harold. 2010. A Journey Through the Systems Landscape, College Publications, Kings College, UK.

Additional References

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