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The following is the complete outline SEBok 0.5.  It shows the complete organization of the SEBoK into [http://bkcasewiki.org/index.php/Category:Part Parts], [http://bkcasewiki.org/index.php/Category:Knowledge_Area Knowledge Areas], [http://bkcasewiki.org/index.php/Category:Topic Topics], and [http://bkcasewiki.org/index.php/Category:Subtopic Subtopics].  Click on any item below to link directly to that page. Glossary terms and primary references are not included in the list below.
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!<span style="color:#000000">'''Navigating the SEBoK'''</span>
|The SEBoK may be searched in the same way as a traditional wiki. In addition, navigation links have been added to each page. Please use these links if you would like to navigate the SEBoK sequentially through the table of contents. These links look like:
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<center>< Previous Article | Parent Article | Next Article ></center>
'''Navigating the SEBoK 0.5'''
*''Previous'' - The "Previous" link will take you back one article in the table of contents.
*''Next'' - The "Next" link will take you forward one article in the table of contents.
*''Parent'' - The "Parent" link takes you up one level in the table of contents.)
The SEBoK may be searched as with a traditional wiki.  In addition, if you would like to navigate the SEBoK as a document - by following the outline below - navigation links have been added to each page.  These links look like this:
==[[SEBoK Introduction|Part 1: SEBoK Introduction]]==
* [[Introduction to the SEBoK]]
** [[Scope of the SEBoK]]
** [[Structure of the SEBoK]]
* [[Introduction to Systems Engineering]]
**[[Systems Engineering Overview]]
**[[Fundamentals for Digital Engineering]]
**[[Economic Value of Systems Engineering]]
**[[A Brief History of Systems Engineering]]
**[[Systems Engineering: Historic and Future Challenges]]
**[[Systems Engineering and Other Disciplines]]
**[[Fundamentals for Future Systems Engineering]]
*[[SEBoK Users and Uses]]
**[[Guidance for Systems Engineering Novices]]
**[[Guidance for Systems Engineers]]
**[[Guidance for Engineers]]
**[[Guidance for Systems Engineering Customers]]
**[[Guidance for Educators and Researchers]]
**[[Guidance for General Managers]]
<center><- Previous Article | Parent Article | Next Article -></center>
==[[Foundations of Systems Engineering|Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering]]==
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Fundamentals]]
**[[Introduction to Systems Engineering Fundamentals]]
**[[Systems Engineering Core Concepts]]
**[[Systems Engineering Principles]]
**[[Systems Engineering Heuristics]]
*Knowledge Area: [[The Nature of Systems]]
**[[Types of Systems]]
**[[Cycles and the Cyclic Nature of Systems]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Science]]
**[[History of Systems Science]]
**[[Systems Approaches]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Thinking]]
**[[What is Systems Thinking?]]
**[[Concepts of Systems Thinking]]
**[[Principles of Systems Thinking]]
**[[Patterns of Systems Thinking]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Representing Systems with Models]]
**[[What is a Model?]]
**[[Why Model?]]
**[[Types of Models]]
**[[System Modeling Concepts]]
**[[Integrating Supporting Aspects into System Models]]
**[[Modeling Standards]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Approach Applied to Engineered Systems]]
**[[Overview of the Systems Approach]]
**[[Engineered System Context]]
**[[Identifying and Understanding Problems and Opportunities]]
**[[Synthesizing Possible Solutions]]
**[[Analysis and Selection between Alternative Solutions]]
**[[Implementing and Proving a Solution]]
**[[Deploying, Using, and Sustaining Systems to Solve Problems]]
**[[Applying the Systems Approach]]
==[[Systems Engineering and Management|Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management]]==
*[[Systems Engineering STEM Overview]]
*[[Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)]]
*Knowledge Area: [[System Life Cycle Approaches]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "Systems Lifecycle Approaches"</span>
** [[Generic Life Cycle Model]]
** [[Applying Life Cycle Processes]]
* Knowledge Area: [[System Life Cycle Models]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "System Lifecycle Models"</span>
** [[System Life Cycle Process Drivers and Choices]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "System Lifecycle Process Drivers and Choices"</span>
** [[Vee Life Cycle Model]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "System Lifecycle Process Models: Vee"</span>
** [[Incremental Life Cycle Model]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "System Lifecycle Process Models: Incremental"</span>
** [[Agile Systems Engineering]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "System Lifecycle Process Models: Agile Systems Engineering"</span>
** [[Process Integration]]
** [[Lean Engineering]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Management]]
** [[Technical Planning]]
** [[Assessment and Control]]
** [[Decision Management]]
** [[Requirements Management]] - <span style="color:#800000">New article</span>
** [[Risk Management]]
** [[Configuration Management]]
** [[Information Management]]
** [[Quality Management]]
** [[Measurement]]
*Knowledge Area: [[System Concept Definition]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "Business and Mission Analysis"</span>
** [[Business or Mission Analysis]]
**[[Stakeholder Needs Definition]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "Stakeholder Needs and Requirements"</span>
*[[System Requirements Definition]] - <span style="color:#800000">formerly "Stakeholder Requirements Definition"</span>
*Knowledge Area: [[System Architecture Design Definition]] - <span style="color:#800000">New Article</span>
** [[Functional Architecture]]
** [[Logical Architecture]]
** [[Physical Architecture]]
* [[System Detailed Design Definition]]
* [[System Analysis]]
* [[System Realization]]
* [[System Implementation]]
* [[System Integration]]
* [[System Verification]]
* [[System Transition]]
* [[System Validation]]
* [[System Operation]]
* Knowledge Area: [[System Maintenance]] - <span style="color:#800000">updated KA structure</span>
** [[Logistics]]
** [[Service Life Management]]
** [[Service Life Extension]]
** [[Capability Updates, Upgrades, and Modernization]]
** [[System Disposal and Retirement]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Standards]]
** [[Relevant Standards]]
** [[Alignment and Comparison of Systems Engineering Standards]]
** [[Application of Systems Engineering Standards]]
*''Previous'' - When you view an article, the "Previous" link will take you back one article in the outline.
==[[Applications of Systems Engineering|Part 4:  Applications of Systems Engineering]]==
*''Next'' - When you view an article, the "Next" link will take you forward one article in the outline.
*Knowledge Area: [[Product Systems Engineering]]
*''Parent'' - When you view an article, the "Parent" link takes you up one level in the outline.  For Topic articles, the "Parent" link will take you to the overarching Knowledge Area.  For Knowledge Area articles, the "Parent" link will take you to the overarching Part.
** [[Product Systems Engineering Background]]
** [[Product as a System Fundamentals]]
** [[Business Activities Related to Product Systems Engineering]]
** [[Product Systems Engineering Key Aspects]]
** [[Product Systems Engineering Special Activities]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Service Systems Engineering]]
** [[Service Systems Background]]
** [[Fundamentals of Services]]
** [[Properties of Services]]
** [[Scope of Service Systems Engineering]]
** [[Value of Service Systems Engineering]]
** [[Service Systems Engineering Stages]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Enterprise Systems Engineering]]
** [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Background]]
** [[The Enterprise as a System]]
** [[Related Business Activities]]
** [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Key Concepts]]
** [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Process Activities]]
** [[Enterprise Capability Management]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Systems of Systems (SoS)]]
** [[Architecting Approaches for Systems of Systems]]
** [[Socio-Technical Features of Systems of Systems]]
** [[Capability Engineering]]
** [[Mission Engineering]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Healthcare Systems Engineering]]
** [[Overview of the Healthcare Sector]]
** [[Systems Engineering in Healthcare Delivery]]
** [[Systems Biology]]
** [[Lean in Healthcare]]
==[[Enabling Systems Engineering|Part 5: Enabling Systems Engineering]]==
==Part 1==
*Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Businesses and Enterprises]]
*[[SEBoK 0.5 Introduction|Part 1: SEBoK 0.5 Introduction]]
** [[Systems Engineering Organizational Strategy]]
**[[Scope of the SEBoK]]
** [[Determining Needed Systems Engineering Capabilities in Businesses and Enterprises]]
**[[Structure of SEBoK version 0.5]] --> [[Structure of the SEBoK]]
** [[Organizing Business and Enterprises to Perform Systems Engineering]]
**[[SE and Other Engineering Disciplines]] --> [[Systems Engineering and Other Disciplines]]
** [[Assessing Systems Engineering Performance of Business and Enterprises]]
**[[Systems Engineering: Historic and Future Challenges]]
** [[Developing Systems Engineering Capabilities within Businesses and Enterprises]]
**[[SEBoK Users and Uses]]
** [[Culture]]
***[[Use Case 1: Practicing Systems Engineers]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Teams]]
***[[Use Case 2: Other Engineers]]
** [[Team Capability]]
***[[Use Case 3: Customers of Systems Engineering]]
** [[Team Dynamics]]
***[[Use Case 4: Faculty Members]]
** [[Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion]]
***[[Use Case 5: General Managers]]
** [[Technical Leadership in Systems Engineering]]
**[[SEBoK Evolution]]
*Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Individuals]]
** [[Roles and Competencies]]
** [[Assessing Individuals]]
** [[Developing Individuals]]
** [[Ethical Behavior]]
==[[Related Disciplines|Part 6: Related Disciplines]]==
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Environmental Engineering]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Geospatial/Geodetic Engineering]]
** [[Overview of Geospatial/Geodetic Engineering]]
** [[Relationship between Systems Engineering and Geospatial/Geodetic Engineering]]
** [[Further Insights into Geospatial/Geodetic Engineering]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Project Management]]
** [[The Nature of Project Management]]
** [[An Overview of the PMBOK® Guide]]
** [[Relationships between Systems Engineering and Project Management]]
** [[The Influence of Project Structure and Governance on Systems Engineering and Project Management Relationships]]
** [[Procurement and Acquisition]]
** [[Portfolio Management]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Software Engineering]]
**[[Software Engineering in the Systems Engineering Life Cycle]]
** [[The Nature of Software]]
** [[An Overview of the SWEBOK Guide]]
** [[Key Points a Systems Engineer Needs to Know about Software Engineering]]
** [[Software Engineering Features - Models, Methods, Tools, Standards, and Metrics]]
* Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Aerospace Engineering - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
* Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Electrical Engineering - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Mechanical Engineering]]
* Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Civil Engineering - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
* Knowledge Area: Systems Engineering and Economics - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Enterprise IT]]
* Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Quality Attributes]]
**[[A Framework for Viewing Quality Attributes from the Lens of Loss]]
** [[Human Systems Integration]]
** [[Manufacturability and Producibility]]
** [[System Adaptability]]
** [[System Affordability]]
** [[System Hardware Assurance]]
** [[System Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability]]
** [[System Resilience]]
** [[System Resistance to Electromagnetic Interference]]
** [[System Safety]]
** [[System Security]]
**[[A Short History of SE: Challenge and Response]]
==[[Systems Engineering Implementation Examples|Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples]]==
***[[Overview of Systems Engineering Challenges]]
* [[Matrix of Implementation Examples]]
**[[Key SE Principles and Practices]]
* [[Implementation Examples]]
**[[Origins of the SEBoK]]
* Construction System Examples - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
**[[Another Scope Dimension: Domain-Independent Knowledge]]
* CyberPhysical System Examples - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
**[[Intertwined Disciplines and the SEBoK]]
* Defense System Examples
**[[Scope and Guidance for the Construction of the SEBoK]]
** [[Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical Systems]]
** [[Virginia Class Submarine]]
* Geospatial System Examples - <span style="color:#800000">Desired Article!</span>
* Information System Examples
** [[Complex Adaptive Taxi Service Scheduler]]
** [[Successful Business Transformation within a Russian Information Technology Company]]
** [[FBI Virtual Case File System]]
* Management System Examples
** [[Project Management for a Complex Adaptive Operating System]]
* Medical System Examples
** [[Next Generation Medical Infusion Pump]]
** [[Medical Radiation]]
** [[Design for Maintainability]]
* Space System Examples
** [[Global Positioning System Case Study]]
** [[Global Positioning System Case Study II]]
** [[Russian Space Agency Project Management Systems]]
** [[How Lack of Information Sharing Jeopardized the NASA/ESA Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn]]
** [[Hubble Space Telescope]]
** [[Applying a Model-Based Approach to Support Requirements Analysis on the Thirty-Meter Telescope]]
** [[Miniature Seeker Technology Integration Spacecraft]]
** [[Apollo 1 Disaster]]
* Transportation System Examples
**[[Denver Airport Baggage Handling System]]
** [[FAA Advanced Automation System (AAS)]]
** [[Federal Aviation Administration Next Generation Air Transportation System]]
** [[UK West Coast Route Modernisation Project]]
**[[Reverse Engineering a UAV Prototype using Agile Practices]]
** [[Standard Korean Light Transit System Vignette]]
* Utilities Examples
** [[Northwest Hydro System]]
** [[Singapore Water Management]]
**[[Next Steps]]
==[[Emerging Knowledge|Part 8: Emerging Knowledge]]==
* [[Emerging Topics]]
** [[Introduction to SE Transformation]]
** [[Socio-technical Systems]]
** [[Artificial Intelligence]]
** [[Verification and Validation of Systems in Which AI is a Key Element]]
** [[Transitioning Systems Engineering to a Model-based Discipline]]
** [[Model-Based Systems Engineering Adoption Trends 2009-2018]]
** [[Digital Engineering]]
** [[Set-Based Design]]
** [[System of Systems and Complexity]]
* [[Emerging Research]]
==Part 2==
*[[Systems|Part 2:  Systems]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Overview]]
***Topic: [[What is a System?]]
***Topic: [[System Context]]
***Topic: [[Overview of System Science]]
***Topic: [[Systems Thinking]]
**Knowledge Area: [[System Concepts]]
***Topic: [[Overview of System Concepts]]
***Topic: [[Complexity]]
***Topic: [[Emergence]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Types of Systems]]
***Topic: [[Classifications of Systems]]
***Topic: [[Groupings of Systems]]
***Topic: [[The Product View of Engineered Systems]]
***Topic: [[The Service View of Engineered Systems]]
***Topic: [[The Enterprise View of Engineered Systems]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Representing Systems with Models]]
***Topic: [[What is a Model?]]
***Topic: [[Why Model?]]
***Topic: [[Types of Models]]
***Topic: [[System Modeling Concepts]]
***Topic: [[Modeling Standards]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Approach]]
***Topic: [[Overview of the Systems Approach]]
***Topic: [[Exploring a Problem or Opportunity]]
***Topic: [[Systems Analysis Approach]]
***Topic: [[Synthesis of a System]]
***Topic: [[Proving a System]]
***Topic: [[Owning and Making Use of a System]]
***Topic: [[Applying the Systems Approach]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Challenges]]
***Topic: [[Complex System Challenges]]
***Topic: [[Dynamically Changing Systems]]
==Part 3==
*[[Systems Engineering and Management|Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Life Cycle Models]]
***Topic: [[Life Cycle Characteristics]]
***Topic: [[System Life Cycle Process Drivers and Choices]]
***Topic: [[System Life Cycle Process Models: Vee]]
***Topic: [[System Life Cycle Process Models: Iterative]]
***Topic: [[Integration of Process and Product Models]]
**Knowledge Area: [[System Definition]]
***Topic: [[Fundamentals of System Definition]]
***Topic: [[Mission Analysis and Stakeholders Requirements]]
***Topic: [[System Requirements]]
***Topic: [[Architectural Design]]
***Topic: [[System Analysis]]
**Knowledge Area: [[System Realization]]
***Topic: [[System Implementation]]
***Topic: [[System Integration]]
***Topic: [[System Verification and Validation]]
**Knowledge Area: [[System Deployment and Use]]
***Topic: [[System Deployment]]
***Topic: [[Operation of the System]]
***Topic: [[System Maintenance]]
***Topic: [[Logistics]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Management]]
***Topic: [[Planning]]
***Topic: [[Assessment and Control]]
***Topic: [[Risk Management]]
***Topic: [[Measurement]]
***Topic: [[Decision Management]]
***Topic: [[Configuration Management]]
***Topic: [[Information Management]]
***Topic: [[Quality Management]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Product and Service Life Management]]
***Topic: [[Service Life Extension]]
***Topic: [[Capability Updates, Upgrades, and Modernization]]
***Topic: [[Disposal and Retirement]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Standards]]
***Topic: [[Relevant Standards]]
***Topic: [[Alignment and Comparison of the Standards]]
***Topic: [[Application of Systems Engineering Standards]]
==Part 4==
*[[Applications of Systems Engineering|Part 4:  Applications of Systems Engineering]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Product Systems Engineering]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Service Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Service Systems Background]]
***Topic: [[Fundamentals of Services]]
***Topic: [[Properties of Services]]
***Topic: [[Scope of Service Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Value of Service Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Service Systems Engineering Stages]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Enterprise Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Background]]
***Topic: [[The Enterprise as a System]]
***Topic: [[Related Business Activities]]
***Topic: [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Key Concepts]]
***Topic: [[Enterprise Systems Engineering Process Activities]]
***Topic: [[Enterprise Capability Management]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems of Systems (SoS)]]
***Topic: [[Architecting Approaches for Systems of Systems]]
***Topic: [[Socio-Technical Features of Systems of Systems]]
***Topic: [[Capability Engineering]]
==Part 5==
*[[Enabling Systems Engineering|Part 5: Enabling Systems Engineering]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering Organizational Strategy]]
***Topic: [[Organizational Purpose]]
***Topic: [[Value Proposition for Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Systems Engineering Governance]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Businesses and Enterprises to Perform Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Deciding on Desired Systems Engineering Capabilities within Businesses and Enterprises]]
***Topic: [[Organizing Business and Enterprises to Perform Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Assessing Systems Engineering Performance of Business and Enterprises]]
***Topic: [[Developing Systems Engineering Capabilities within Businesses and Enterprises]]
***Topic: [[Culture]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Teams to Perform Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Determining Needed Systems Engineering Capabilities in Teams]]
***Topic: [[Organizing Teams to Perform Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Assessing Systems Engineering Performance of Teams]]
***Topic: [[Developing Systems Engineering Capabilities within Teams]]
***Topic: [[Team Dynamics]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Enabling Individuals to Perform Systems Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Roles and Competencies]]
***Topic: [[Assessing Individuals]]
***Topic: [[Developing Individuals]]
***Topic: [[Ethical Behavior]]
==Part 6==
<center>[[SEBoK Introduction|Go to First SEBoK Article >]]</center>
*[[Related Disciplines|Part 6: Related Disciplines]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Software Engineering]]
***Topic: [[The Nature of Software]]
***Topic: [[An Overview of the SWEBOK Guide]]
***Topic: [[Software Engineering and Systems Engineering: Similarities and Differences]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Project Management]]
***Topic: [[An Overview of Project Management]]
***Topic: [[Systems Engineering and Project Management: Similarities and Differences]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Procurement/Acquisition]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Marketing/Sales]]
**Knowledge Area: [[Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Integration of Specialty Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability]]
***Topic: [[Human System Integration]]
***Topic: [[Safety Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Security Engineering]]
***Topic: [[System Assurance]]
***Topic: [[Quality Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatability]]
***Topic: [[Resilience Engineering]]
***Topic: [[Manufacturability and Producibility]]
***Topic: [[Workplace Engineering]]
==Part 7==
<center>'''SEBoK v. 2.10, released 06 May 2024'''</center>
*[[Systems Engineering Implementation Examples|Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples]]
**[[Matrix of Implementation Examples]]
**[[Case Studies]]
***[[Hubble Space Telescope Case Study]]
***[[Global Positioning System Case Study]]
***[[Medical Radiation Case Study]]
***[[FBI Virtual Case File System Case Study]]
***[[MSTI Case Study]]
***[[Next Generation Medical Infusion Pump Case Study]]
***[[Denver Airport Baggage Handling System Vignette]]
***[[Virginia Class Submarine Vignette]]
***[[UK West Coast Route Modernisation Project Vignette]]
***[[Singapore Water Management Vignette]]
***[[FAA AAS Vignette]]
***[[Standard Korean Light Transit System Vignette]]

Latest revision as of 00:24, 3 May 2024

Navigating the SEBoK
The SEBoK may be searched in the same way as a traditional wiki. In addition, navigation links have been added to each page. Please use these links if you would like to navigate the SEBoK sequentially through the table of contents. These links look like:
< Previous Article | Parent Article | Next Article >
  • Previous - The "Previous" link will take you back one article in the table of contents.
  • Next - The "Next" link will take you forward one article in the table of contents.
  • Parent - The "Parent" link takes you up one level in the table of contents.)

Part 1: SEBoK Introduction

Part 2: Foundations of Systems Engineering

Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management

Part 4: Applications of Systems Engineering

Part 5: Enabling Systems Engineering

Part 6: Related Disciplines

Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples

Part 8: Emerging Knowledge

Go to First SEBoK Article >
SEBoK v. 2.10, released 06 May 2024