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synthesis is “the combination of parts, elements, or diverse conceptions into a coherent whole; to put together.”

The following sections briefly discuss the nature of system synthesis from a systems approach point of view. Any of the activities could require consideration concurrently through the systems life, as discussed in the Applying the Systems Approach topic.

Synthesis Overview

Essential to synthesis is the concept of holism discussed by (Hitchins 2009). It states that a system must be considered as a whole and not simply as a collection of its elements. In SE holism requires that the properties of the whole be determined by considering the behavior of the whole and not simply as the accumulation of the properties of the elements. The latter process is known as reductionism and is the opposite of holism. (Hitchins 2009) puts it this way: “The properties, capabilities, and behavior of a system derive from its parts, from interactions between those parts, and from interactions with other systems.”

When the system is considered as a whole, properties called emergent properties often appear (see Emergence). These properties cannot be predicted from the elements alone. They must be evaluated within the SE effort to determine the complete set of performance levels of the system. According to (Jackson et al. 2010) these properties can be designed into the system, but to do so, an iterative SE approach is required.

In complex systems, individual elements will dynamically adapt to the behavior of the other elements and to the system as a whole. The entire collection of elements will behave as an organic whole. Therefore, the entire SE synthesis effort, particularly in complex systems, must itself be dynamic.

The systems approach aspect of synthesis leads to the SE process of the same name. Preferring to use the terms “design" and "development,” (Wasson 2006, p. 390-690) describes synthesis from a SE point of view. (White 2009, p. 512-515) provides a comprehensive discussion of methods of achieving design synthesis.

Linkages to other topics

The systems approach principle of synthesis is directly linked to the SE principle of synthesis.



Hitchins, D. 2009. "What are the General Principles Applicable to Systems?" INCOSE Insight. 12(4) (December 2009): 59-63.

INCOSE. 1998. "INCOSE SE Terms Glossary." INCOSE Concepts and Terms WG (eds.). Seattle, WA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering.

Jackson, S., D. Hitchins and H. Eisner. 2010. "What is the Systems Approach?". INCOSE Insight. 13(1) (April 2010): 41-43.

Wasson, C.S. 2006. System Analysis, Design, and Development. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons.

White, Jr., K.P. 2009. "Systems Design." In Sage, A.P. and W.B. Rouse (eds.). Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons.

Primary References

Hitchins, D. 2009. "What are the General Principles Applicable to Systems?" INCOSE Insight. 12(4) (December 2009): 59-63.

Jackson, S., D. Hitchins and H. Eisner. 2010. "What is the Systems Approach?" INCOSE Insight. 13(1) (April 2010): 41-43.

Additional References

INCOSE. 1998. "INCOSE SE Terms Glossary." INCOSE Concepts and Terms WG (eds.). Seattle, WA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering.

Wasson, C.S. 2006. System Analysis, Design, and Development. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons.

White, Jr., K.P. 2009. "Systems Design." In Sage, A.P. and W.B. Rouse (eds.). Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons.

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