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== Another view on ethics ==
Hillary S:
I would recommend consulting David Blockley of University of Bristol (UK); he has strong and well-founded views on ethics in engineering in a systems context.
The section would benefit from further discussion on the tension between the SE's responsibility to different stakeholders - customers (mainly cost and schedule), end users (operational effectiveness and usability), employer (deliver the contract and add value to the business), family (stay in a job, earn a salary), society (environmental and social impact), etc.
Alice S added:
There is also the tension with one's own ego - personal goals and desires. The road is paved with good intentions, we all want to believe what we do is good and right, but evidence indicates that is not the case.  A strong sense of ethics includes the ability to reconcile with reality and the role one's ego has in the situation rather than fooling ourselves into believing that what we are doing is for the greater good.

Revision as of 22:13, 15 September 2011