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There are a number of ways to engage with the SEBoK. Please see the roles below and contact us with any questions at


Over the life of the SEBoK we have had several hundred reviewers. Anyone is welcome to review the SEBoK articles, knowledge areas, glossary, and other pages. Reviewers provide critcial value to the SEBoK by helping us ensure that our articles are accessible to the community. Reviewers can provide input on any aspect of an article, including recommendation of additional resources to include.

To review the SEBoK, please use our Google Form.


Authors are individuals who create content specifically for the SEBoK. They work with the Editorial Board to define the right scope for a topic and develop the content in compliance with our style guide. Authors are subject matter experts who can speak authoritatively and without bias. Authors may propose new articles for the SEBoK or edits to existing articles.

If you are interested in becoming a SEBoK author, please contact us at

Assistant Editors

Assistant Editors have responsibility for specific knowledge areas (collections of topics) within the SEBoK. They are subject matter experts who help to ensure that the content of their particular knowledge area is up to date and meets the quality standards of the SEBoK. Assistant editors work with our authors to improve upon or create articles.

Lead Editors

Lead Editors have responsibility for a specific part of the SEBoK (shown in Structure of the SEBoK). They help create the strategic vision for their part and coordinate the efforts of the Assistant Editors within their parts. They are responsible for the overall quality of their part and work directly with authors as appropriate.

Open Positions

The SEBoK Editorial Board is currently looking for Assistant Editors to support Part 3: Systems Engineering and Management (particularly MBSE/digital engineering practitioners), Part 4: Applications of Systems Engineering, Part 6: Related Disciplines, and Part 7: Systems Engineering Implementation Examples. In addition, we have cross-functional teams working on updating and integrating MBSE and digital engineering content across the SEBoK. If you have an interest in any of these roles, please contact us at