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Below are some of the questions we frequently receive about the SEBoK. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us at sebok@incose.org. Thank you!

How does SEBoK benefit our company?

While BKCASE authors and core members are unfamiliar with a company’s specific goals and workforce needs; the contributors hope SEBoK will serve as a good reference for practitioners in any company. For example, you may tell a beginning engineer to reference X topic in the SEBoK for more information; or, you may ask a senior engineer to look up references provided for a specific topic so they will explore different approaches for the topic of interest.

How do I review the SEBoK?

Each page of the SEBoK has a "comment" feature at the bottom. Our editors review these comments to incorporate feedback from the community.

If you would like to provide more feedback than a single comment, or if you have overarching comments about the SEBoK as a whole, please reach out to us at sebok@incose.org.

Can I edit SEBoK content in the wiki?

No. The wiki is non-traditional in the sense that you must have permissions to edit materials. During 2009-2012 review periods were offered to the public to encourage the community to provide their input for improvements. Currently, only the Editorial Board can contribute and edit SEBoK and GRCSE during editorial periods.

But, the Editorial and Governing Boards offering the SE community a Sandbox, a separate site that offers the public an opportunity to contribute changes and new additions alongside the official SEBoK. Anyone can use the Sandbox and all public contributions would be considered by the Editorial Board for inclusion in the next release of the SEBoK. In the Sandbox, you can request that a SEBoK article be made available for edits and submit new materials. Visit [sandbox.sebokwiki.org sandbox.sebokwiki.org] to access the Sandbox.

How can my company sponsor the SEBoK?

The SEBoK sponsorship program is outlined here. If you have any questions, please email us at sebok@incose.org.

Some Bodies of Knowledge number their knowledge areas, chapters, and topics. Have you thought about doing this for SEBoK?

Yes, we have thought about it, but we want to prevent confusion for those users who jump into the wiki at any section and read the material in the order of topics that interest them the most.

If you want to read the SEBoK like a document, simply go to the Table of Contents or use the navigation links ("previous" and "next" page links) at the bottom of each article.

What is the relationship between the SEBoK and INCOSE's SE Handbook?

The SEBoK is not designed to replace the Handbook, but the two are iteratively evolving. We have team members who work on both products, and help us align and coevolve over time. The SE Handbook is the basis for INCOSE certification for systems engineers, and is structured to ensure a common knowledge foundation among those applying to be Associate or Certified Systems Engineering Professionals (ASEPs or CSEPs, respectively). By design, it is intended to provide specific recommendations on approaches for systems engineering. The purpose of the SEBoK is to provide guidance on the broad and diverse literature around systems engineering. The SEBoK may provide multiple perspectives and approaches without identifying any as "right" or "wrong".

Does SEBoK contain DoD standards and other DoD related materials?

Yes. For any given topic you may find DoD references to literature, but DoD is not the focus of the SEBoK.

How do you pronounce "SEBoK"?

It's pronounced with two syllables: "See-bach".