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Valerdi, R; "The Constructuve Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO); Quantifying the Costs of Systems Engineering Effort in Complex Systems", VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, ISBN 978-3-639-03478-3, 2008
Valerdi, R; "The Constructuve Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO); Quantifying the Costs of Systems Engineering Effort in Complex Systems", VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, ISBN 978-3-639-03478-3, 2008
(Input from Andy Pickard)
(Input from Andy Pickard) (done, dho)

Revision as of 13:45, 2 September 2011

Planning - Discussion

Overall, the content is very good and appropriate. A few suggestions for improvement:

1. Paragraph 5 (starting with "Task Planning...) - I suggest referring to "money" rather than "dollars" in the second line - (skills, equipment, facilities, money) - as BKCASE will have an international audience

2. Good Practices # 5: Integrate risk management with the SE planning to identify areas that require special attention (for instance, prototyping or preferential development) and/or trades

3. Good Practices # 6: The amount of management reserve should be based on the risk associated with the plan and cost and schedule impact of performing risk mitigation actions if triggered (refer to Waltzing with Bears here).

4. Good Practice # 7: Use historical data for estimates and adjust for differences in scope or the development environment of the project (refer to COCOMO and COSYSMO here).

References: Add:

Boehm, B et al; "Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II", Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-026692-2, 2000

DeMarco, T and Lister, T; "Waltzing with Bears; Managing Risks on Software Projects", ISBN 0-932633-60-9, Dorset House, 2003

Valerdi, R; "The Constructuve Systems Engineering Cost Model (COSYSMO); Quantifying the Costs of Systems Engineering Effort in Complex Systems", VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, ISBN 978-3-639-03478-3, 2008

(Input from Andy Pickard) (done, dho)


Brian Wells Comments: Materials and references are very good. Write up is very good.

A SEMP and a SEP are not the same and the author should not say this in the article. SEP is a high level plan made before the system acquisition and development begin. It is written by the government customer. The SEMP is the specific development plan written by the developer (or contractor). The intent and content are quite different. SEP will have an acquisition plan, for example, that would not be included in a SEMP. (I can provide additional SEP and SEMP references if necessary.)

Figure that shows content of a SEMP should be reconfigured to fit the page better.

Has the author looked into and considered what is used in commercial SE development?