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Nightingale, D. and J. Srinivasan. 2011. Beyond the Lean Revolution: Achieving Successful and Sustainable Enterprise Transformation. New York, NY: AMACOM Press.


Enterprise Capability Management

Most organizations are engaged in change efforts often focused solely on eliminating waste in specific departments or 'silos'. That's the 'lean paradigm', and while it's a good place to start, enterprise transformation goes much further. It begins with the big picture: What are the strategic objectives? How is the enterprise per forming against those objectives? How should it be? Who are the stakeholders and what do they value? Then it moves forward toward an audacious vision of the enterprise's future.

Based on years of research and implementation, "Beyond the Lean Revolution" provides a roadmap for achieving sustainable, bottom-line results, delivering value to stakeholders, and reaching that future vision. Filled with illuminating examples, the book moves well beyond traditional lean thinking, showing readers how to: ensure senior leadership commitment; assess the enterprise's current state; analyze stakeholder values; develop a future vision; and, create a plan for transformation. From inception to implementation and beyond, this book provides a holistic framework for bridging the gap from mere change to genuine transformation.

SEBoK v. 1.9.1 released 30 September 2018

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