Scope of the SEBoK

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The scope of the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) can be understood in two dimensions:

  1. General boundaries and characteristics, based on the definition and scope of systems engineering (SE) itself
  2. Life cycle, based on the life cycle of SE in the context of an engineered system (ES)

SEBoK General Boundaries and Characteristics

In general, the SEBoK:

  • is a guide to the body of systems engineering knowledge which provides references to detailed sources for additional information; it is not a self-contained knowledge resource
  • is domain-independent, with implementation examples to provide domain-specific context
  • focuses on engineered systems (ES), that is, products, services, enterprises, and systems of systems (SoS), while treating social and natural systems as relevant and important environmental considerations for ESs (see “Scope of Systems Engineering within the Systems Domain” below, and What is a System? in Part 2)
  • recognizes that SE principles can be applied differently to different types of systems (see Part 4)
  • explores the interaction between SE and other disciplines, highlighting what systems engineers need to know about these disciplines (see Part 6)

Each of these considerations depends upon the definition and scope of SE itself, which is the subject of the next section.

Scope of Systems Engineering within the Systems Domain

While considering all classes of systems, SE focuses on the domain of the engineered systems (ES). Sociotechnical systems are treated as a special form of engineered system. The differences and commonalities in scope of the three overall categories of systems — engineered, natural, and social — are depicted in Figure 1 below. (The figure is one of many possible versions of a Venn diagram where the underlined headings are always Natural Systems, Engineered Systems, and Social Systems, while the bullet points listing instances of systems within and across those categories, could change with each new version.)

This picture provides a convenient tool for understanding the scope of an engineered system. For example, power generation and distribution systems are purely engineered systems which include software and human operators as well as hardware. Water and power safety legislation comes from the political processes of a legislature, which is a social system. The resulting water and power safety assurance and safety governance systems are sociotechnical systems whose participants work in both engineered systems and social systems.

Figure 1. System Boundaries of Engineered Systems, Social Systems, and Natural Systems. (SEBoK Original)

The nature of and relationships between these system domains is discussed in Part 2, which considers the general nature and purpose of systems and how these ideas are used to ensure a better ES. Part 2 covers:

  • Systems Thinking – a way of understanding complex situations by looking at them as combinations of systems
  • Systems Science – a collection of disciplines that have created useful knowledge by applying systems thinking and the scientific method to different aspects of the system domains
  • Systems Approach – a way of tackling real world problems which uses the tools of system science to enable systems to be engineered and used

One must understand both natural and sociotechnical systems to identify and scope the engineering of system problems or opportunities. This scoping largely determines whether engineered systems achieve their goals, without adverse impact on other outcomes, when those systems are deployed in the real world.

The primary focus of Part 3, Systems Engineering and Management, and Part 4, Applications of Systems Engineering is on how to create or change an ES to fulfill the goals of stakeholders within these wider system contexts. The knowledge in Part 5, Enabling Systems Engineering and Part 6, Systems Engineering and Other Disciplines examines the need for SE itself to be integrated and supported within the human activity systems in which it is performed, and the relationships between SE and other engineering and management disciplines.

Scope of Systems Engineering within the Engineered Systems Domain

The scope of SE does not encompass the entire ES domain. Activities can be part of the SE environment, but other than the specific management of the SE function, not considered to be part of SE. Examples include system construction, manufacturing, funding, and general management. This is reflected in the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) top-level definition of systems engineering as, “an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems.” (INCOSE 2011) Although SE can enable the realization of a successful system, if an activity that is outside the scope of SE, such as manufacturing, is poorly managed and executed, SE cannot ensure a successful realization.

Again, a convenient way to define the scope of SE within the ES domain is to develop a Venn diagram. Figure 2 shows the relationship between SE, system implementation, and project/systems management. Activities, such as analyzing alternative methods for production, testing, and operations, are part of SE planning and analysis functions. Such activities as production line equipment ordering and installation, and its use in manufacturing, while still important SE environment considerations, stand outside the SE boundary. Note that as defined in Figure 2, system implementation engineering also includes the software production aspects of system implementation. Software engineering, then, is not considered a subset of SE.

Figure 2. System Boundaries of Systems Engineering, Systems Implementation, and Project/Systems Management. (SEBoK Original)

Traditional definitions of SE have emphasized sequential performance of SE activities, e.g., “documenting requirements, then proceeding with design synthesis …”. (INCOSE 2011) The SEBoK authors depart from tradition to emphasize the inevitable intertwining of system requirements definition and system design in the following revised definition of SE:

Systems Engineering (SE) is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It focuses on holistically and concurrently understanding stakeholder needs; exploring opportunities; documenting requirements; and synthesizing, verifying, validating, and evolving solutions while considering the complete problem, from system concept exploration through system disposal. (INCOSE 2011, modified)

Part 3, Systems Engineering and Management, elaborates on the definition above to flesh out the scope of SE more fully.

Context of the SEBoK

SE and Engineered Systems Project Life Cycle Context

Figure 3 summarizes the main agents, activities, and artifacts involved in the life cycle of SE, in the context of a project to create and evolve an ES.

For each primary project life cycle phase, we see activities being performed by primary agents, changing the state of the ES.

  • Primary project life cycle phases appear in the leftmost column. They are system definition, system initial operational capability (IOC) development, and system evolution and retirement.
  • Primary agents appear in the three inner columns of the top row. They are systems engineers, systems developers, and primary project-external bodies (users, owners, external systems) which constitute the project environment.
  • The ES, which appears in the rightmost column, may be a product, a service, and/or an enterprise.

In each row:

  • boxes in each inner column show activities being performed by the agent listed in the top row of that column
  • the resulting artifacts appears in the rightmost box

Arrows indicate dependencies: an arrow from box A to box B means that the successful outcome of box B depends on the successful outcome of box A.

Two-headed arrows indicate a two-way dependencies: an arrow that points both from box A to box B and from box B to box A means that the successful outcome of each box depends on the successful outcome of the other.

For example, consider how the inevitable changes that arise during system development and evolution are handled:

  • One box shows that the system’s users and owners may propose changes.
  • The changes must be negotiated with the systems developers, who are shown in a second box.
  • The negotiations are mediated by systems engineers, who are shown in a third box in between the first two.
  • Since the proposed changes run from left to right and the counter-proposals run from right to left, all three boxes are connected by two-headed arrows. This reflects the two-way dependencies of the negotiation.
Figure 3. SE and Engineered System Project Life Cycle Context: Related Agents, Activities, and Artifacts. (SEBoK Original)

An agent-activity-artifact diagram like Figure 3 can be used to capture complex interactions. Taking a more detailed view of the present example demonstrates this:

  • The system’s users and owners (stakeholders) propose changes to respond to competitive threats or opportunities, or to adapt to changes imposed by independently evolving external systems, such as Commercial-off-the-Shelf COTS products, cloud services, or supply chain enablers.
  • Negotiation among these stakeholders and the system developers follows, mediated by the SEs.
  • The role of the SEs is to analyze the relative costs and benefits of alternative change proposals, and synthesize mutually satisfactory solutions.

SEBoK Domain Independence Context

The SEBoK uses language and concepts that are generally accepted for domain-independent SE. For example, the domain-independent conceptual foundations of SE are elaborated in Part 2, Systems. However, each of the numerous domains in which SE is practiced — including telecommunications, finance, medicine, and aerospace — has its own specialized vocabulary and key concepts. Accordingly, the SEBoK is designed to show how its domain-independent material relates to individual domains, by means of examples that tell stories of how SE is applied in particular domains.

While the main body of the SEBoK (Parts 1 through 6) is domain-independent, an entire Part (Part 7 ) consists of examples (case studies and vignettes), each set in a particular domain such as aerospace, medicine, or software, and featuring vocabulary and concepts special to that domain. There are similar vignettes in some of the Use Cases in Part 1.

These examples demonstrate the effect of domain on the application of SE and complement the domain-independent information elsewhere in the SEBoK. They show how a concept works in a given domain and provide a fair opportunity for reviewers to reflect on whether there are better ways to capture application-dependent aspects of SE knowledge.

The authors recognize that case studies and vignettes add significant value to the SEBoK, and expect many more to be added as the SEBoK evolves.

SEBoK Life Cycle Context

Figure 4 summarizes the main agents, activities, and artifacts in the SEBoK life cycle.

The SEBoK is one of two complementary products. The other, which uses the content of the SEBoK to define a core Body of Knowledge to be included in graduate SE curricula, is called the Graduate Reference Curriculum in Systems Engineering (GRCSE). The GRCSE is not a standard, but a reference curriculum to be tailored and extended to meet the objectives of each university’s graduate program. These products are being developed by the Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering (BKCASE) project.

Figure 4. SEBoK Life Cycle and Context: Related Agents, Activities, and Artifacts. (SEBoK Original)

The BKCASE project, led by Stevens Institute of Technology and the Naval Postgraduate School, draws upon three primary resources. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has provided the funding and a representative, but does has not constrain or direct the project’s approach and content. The DoD Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), a DoD university-affiliated research center operated by Stevens Institute of Technology, supports BKCASE management and infrastructure and is the means by which DoD funding is delivered to the BKCASE project. The international author team of more than 70 members has been selected for expertise in SE and diversity of national origin (authors have come from 15 different countries), economic sector (government, industry, academia), and SE specialty area. Except for travel support in a few cases, authors have donated their time to the development of the SEBoK content.

The SEBoK content has been developed incrementally. Each of the prototype versions (0.25, 0.5, and 0.75) has undergone an open review by all interested parties. Over 200 reviewers have submitted thousands of comments, each of which has been adjudicated. Upon completion of the initial SEBoK and GRCSE development in late 2012, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS) and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), together with the SERC, become the primary stewards for both the SEBoK and the GRCSE. Interested parties can develop, operate, and support derivative products and services such as courseware, education, certification, and domain-specific versions of the SEBoK and the GRCSE.


Works Cited

INCOSE. 2012. Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2.2. San Diego, CA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.

Primary References

INCOSE. 2012. Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2.2. San Diego, CA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2.

Additional References

Sage, A. and W. Rouse (eds). 1999. Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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SEBoK v. 1.9.1 released 30 September 2018

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