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Letter from the Editor
Economic Value of Systems Engineering
Introduction to SE Transformation
Introduction to Systems Engineering
Introduction to the SEBoK
Scope of the SEBoK
SEBoK Introduction
SEBoK Users and Uses
Structure of the SEBoK
Systems Engineering and Other Disciplines
Systems Engineering Core Concepts
Systems Engineering Overview
Systems Engineering: Historic and Future Challenges
Transitioning Systems Engineering to a Model-based Discipline
Use Case 0: Systems Engineering Novices
Use Case 1: Practicing Systems Engineers
Use Case 2: Other Engineers
Use Case 3: Customers of Systems Engineering
Use Case 4: Educators and Researchers
Use Case 5: General Managers
Analysis and Selection between Alternative Solutions
Applying the Systems Approach
Concepts of Systems Thinking
Deploying, Using, and Sustaining Systems to Solve Problems
Engineered System Context
Foundations of Systems Engineering
Groupings of Systems
History of Systems Science
Identifying and Understanding Problems and Opportunities
Implementing and Proving a Solution
Integrating Supporting Aspects into System Models
Modeling Standards
Overview of the Systems Approach
Patterns of Systems Thinking
Principles of Systems Thinking
Representing Systems with Models
Stakeholder Responsibility
Synthesizing Possible Solutions
System Modeling Concepts
Systems Approach Applied to Engineered Systems
Systems Approaches
Systems Fundamentals
Systems Science
Systems Thinking
Types of Models
Types of Systems
What is a Model?
What is a System?
What is Systems Thinking?
Why Model?