Category:Glossary of Terms

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This is the official SEBoK Glossary of Terms. The BKCASE Author Team has striven to identify one or two definitions which reflect the current thinking on these terms in the systems engineering community. However, the glossary is still in draft format for SEBoK 0.5 and definitions for some terms have not yet been selected. It will be further refined for the next release in Spring 2012 and will be finalized for SEBoK 1.0 in Fall 2012. Please provide comments on a specific term under the "Discussion" tab for that term.

Below, please find an alphabetical listing of all terms currently identified in the SEBoK. To navigate to the second page of the glossary, please click on "next 200" below.

To see all of the Acronyms listed in the SEBoK, please click here.

Pages in category "Glossary of Terms"

The following 433 pages are in this category, out of 433 total.