Acknowledgements and Release History

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SEBoK Original Work. Video was created by Rob Cloutier (2019 SEBoK Editor in Chief).

This article describes the contributors to the current version of the SEBoK. For information on contributors to past versions of the SEBoK, please follow the links under "SEBoK Release History" below. To learn more about the updates to the SEBoK for v. 2.1, please see the Letter from the Editor.

The BKCASE Project began in the fall of 2009. Its aim was to add to the professional practice of systems engineering by creating two closely related products:

  • Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK)
  • Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering (GRCSE)

BKCASE History, Motivation, and Value

The Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) is a living authoritative guide that discusses knowledge relevant to Systems Engineering. It defines how that knowledge should be structured to facilitate understanding, and what reference sources are the most important to the discipline. The curriculum guidance in the Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering (GRCSE) (Pyster and Olwell et al. 2015) makes reference to sections of the SEBoK to define its core knowledge; it also suggests broader program outcomes and objectives which reflect aspects of the professional practice of systems engineering as discussed across the SEBoK.

Between 2009 and 2012, BKCASE was led by Stevens Institute of Technology and the Naval Postgraduate School in coordination with several professional societies and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which provided generous funding. More than 75 authors and many other reviewers and supporters from dozens of companies, universities, and professional societies across 10 countries contributed many thousands of hours writing the SEBoK articles; their organizations provided significant other contributions in-kind.

The SEBoK came into being through recognition that the systems engineering discipline could benefit greatly by having a living authoritative guide closely related to those groups developing guidance on advancing the practice, education, research, work force development, professional certification, standards, etc.

At the beginning of 2013, BKCASE transitioned to a new governance model with shared stewardship between the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS). This governance structure was formalized in a memorandum of understanding between the three stewards that was finalized in spring of 2013 and subsequently updated. In January 2020, the IEEE Systems Council replaced the IEEE-CS representing IEEE as a steward. The stewards have reconfirmed their commitment to making the SEBoK available at no cost to all users, a key principle of BKCASE.

As of the end of April 2020, SEBoK articles have had over 4.2M pageviews from 1.7M unique visits. We hope the SEBoK will regularly be used by thousands of systems engineers and others around the world as they undertake technical activities such as eliciting requirements, creating systems architectures, or analyzing system test results; and professional development activities such as developing career paths for systems engineers, deciding new curricula for systems engineering university programs, etc.


The SEBoK is shaped by the SEBoK Editorial Board and is overseen by the BKCASE Governing Board. A complete list of members for each of these bodies can be found on the BKCASE Governance and Editorial Board page.

Content and Feature Updates for 2.1

This version of the SEBoK was released 31 October 2019. This is a significant release of the SEBoK which includes new articles, new functionality and minor updates throughout. The SEBoK PDF was also updated (see Download SEBoK PDF).

For more information about this release please refer to Development of SEBoK v. 2.1.

SEBoK Release History

There have been 21 releases of the SEBoK to date, collected into 13 main releases.

Main Releases

Click on the links above to read more information about each release.

Wiki Team

In January 2011, the authors agreed to move from a document-based SEBoK to a wiki-based SEBoK, and beginning with v. 0.5, the SEBoK has been available at Making the transition to a wiki provided three benefits:

  1. easy worldwide access to the SEBoK;
  2. more methods for search and navigation; and
  3. a forum for community feedback alongside content that remains stable between versions.

The Managing Editor is responsible for maintenance of the wiki infrastructure as well as technical review of all materials prior to publication. Contact the managing editor at

The wiki is currently supported by Ike Hecht from WikiWorks.

SEBoK v. 2.1, released 31 October 2019