Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK)

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Welcome to the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK), version 0.75.


The newest version of the SEBoK (0.75) is scheduled for release later today (March 15, 2012). Please check back with us in a few hours. In the interim, you may view version 0.5 at .

The growing maturity of any discipline is marked by many milestones; e.g., university degree programs that teach it, professional societies that nurture it, and scholarly journals that report advances in it. One important milestone is establishing an authoritative guide to a discipline’s body of knowledge. This wiki site is that guide for systems engineering. Version 0.75 of the Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) is a work in progress, intended for early adopters. The aspiration of the sponsors and the several dozen authors who have worked tirelessly since September 2009 is to create an extremely useful, widely accessible, and easily updated authoritative guide to the systems engineering body of knowledge.

This wiki contains information on 120 topics in systems engineering, written by experts from around the world. The process being used is transparent with a third round of community review now underway. Yet, the SEBoK is far from complete. In fact, if the SEBoK effort is successful, it will never be ‘’complete’’ because it will continue to evolve and grow from broad use. A wiki implementation was chosen precisely because it facilitates rapid feedback from the community and easy updates to reflect that feedback and advances in the field.

The Quicklinks on the left-hand side of this page are a good starting point for you to approach the wiki. Three of those links are especially valuable to highlight:

  • Reading the SEBoK, which explains the formatting of the wiki and how different pages are structured
  • Copyright Information, which explains what you can do with useful information you find here
  • Acknowledgements, which gives credit to the many many people who have contributed to the SEBoK

Also on the left-hand side of this page is the table of contents. Part 1 explains the motivation for the SEBoK, the history of the systems engineering discipline, the planned evolution of the SEBoK, how to use the SEBoK, etc. We recommend that all reviewers begin by reading through Part 1.

Please explore the wiki, use the content, and send us feedback on how to make it better.

Systems Engineering Research
Stevens Institute of Technology
Naval Postgraduate School's Systems Engineering Department

Comments from 0.5 wiki

No comments were logged for this article in the SEBoK 0.5 wiki. Please provide your general impressions and any overview comments on SEBok 0.75 below.

SEBoK v. 1.9.1 released 30 September 2018

SEBoK Discussion

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If you would like to provide edits on this article, recommend new content, or make comments on the SEBoK as a whole, please see the SEBoK Sandbox.

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